September 5, 2023
September 5, 2023
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1 John 1: 7

5 September, 2023

But if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, then we share together a common life, and we are being cleansed from every sin by the blood of Jesus his Son. – 1 John 1:7

Dear God our Father, you re-established our communion with you in a glorious way, for in the midst of a world full of unrest, misery, and sin, you sent your most beloved Son Jesus, the Light of the world, to illuminate our hearts and our spirits and to show us the way to you. For you know your children and lead them into community with you, pouring your mercy upon them and uplifting them to a unified life in Christ and in you.

Your healing grace gives us the strength to mold our lives in the way Jesus taught us to live, holy and godly lives, filled with the Power of your indwelling Spirit in us, as counsel and guide. Our lives are kindled by the marvellous light of pure Christian lives, free from the evil shadow of the world, the flesh, and the devil. We consecrate our lives to walking in faith, abiding in Jesus, the Light, for we desire intimate fellowship with our God and with our Christian brethren.

Loving Father, we are grateful for the gift of Jesus and the power of his Precious Blood which covers us, atoning for the sins of the world. Help us to live more dedicated lives, drawing more souls into the circle of your saving grace. Thank you Lord, for the assurance that as we seek your will and live according to your plans for us, you cleanse us from sin and bless us with new hearts filled with the purity of your Spirit, through the mighty intercession of Jesus. Amen

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