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1 John 1:5

3 November, 2020

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

Abba Father, God of Light and Truth, you created and illuminated the entire Universe with the holy radiance of your pure Light.The immense multitude that abide with you, in your Heavenly Kingdom are wrapped in this Light, the sanctifying Light of Truth. Where you are, dear Lord, there is no darkness, for where darkness is, truth lies hidden and righteousness does not prevail.

Father, we strive to enter and tread in the circle of your Light, but our human nature clothes itself in the darkness of sinfulness repeatedly, causing grievance to the sublime love you have for us. We cannot declare that we walk in the Light of your Holy Word and your Holy Will and saying this deceive ourselves to blasphemy and further condemnation. Our worldliness is a barrier that widens the gap of communication and communion with you, Heavenly Father.

In the present age, we need your Power and Compassion far more than ever before, because darkness seems to be closing in on us, with the magnifying threat of the ruler of apostasy manifesting and presiding even in holy places of worship and mouthing the doctrines of your Holy Word, thus causing confusion and chaos between what is, and what ought to be, damaging fellowship and further distancing your people by creating irreparable and uncompromising divisions.

We plead for your aid Father, and firmly believe and trust that you will remedy the wrong and shepherd your children into the Light of Righteousness. Through the assistance and wisdom of your Holy Spirit, we need to wisely discern your Will and Way, walk in the righteous Light of your Truth, and conquer the power of the evil one with the armor of your Holy Word, keeping before us your faithful Promises of eternal Life for those who adhere to the doctrines of our Lord Jesus, imitating his life and seeking in his Name. Amen

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