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1 John 4:4

12 March, 2022

You belong to God, children, and you have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. – 1 John 4:4

God of Salvation, Lord Almighty Father, you are so powerful that you are absolutely invincible. It is this saving and healing power which hauled us out of sinfulness and delivered us, when Jesus atoned for our transgressions by his death, and by his resurrection, took us unto himself, into the fold of your faithful elect, as children of God, and victors, by your adoptive grace.

Jesus ensured that your glory and triumph was restored and that your creation was rescued and redeemed. As your children, dear Father, you have given us protection from the evil powers ruling the world, by giving us your Holy Spirit to dwell within us on this earth, instructing, enlightening, comforting, counseling and giving us the gift of discernment. As long as we follow your new covenant of love and walk on the path of truth and righteousness, we are assured of our deliverance and can defeat our adversaries, overcoming error, to gain the worthiness of eternal life with you.

Lord, you dwell within us, through the power of your Holy Spirit, and we are fearless of the evil one, assured of assimilating the strength and courage of preserving our souls of the corruption of worldly temptation. By keeping away from human folly, growing strong in spirituality, destroying all evil sources, influences, inclinations, manifestations, we continue to achieve the sanctity of our inner selves. We keep before us the purpose of our lives in you, Father, and abide in you, who dwell in us, for our salvation rests in your grace and provisions, made in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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March 12, 2022
March 13, 2022