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1 Peter 5:6

20 September, 2021

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. – 1 Peter 5:6

Lord God, of Power and Splendor, we stand before you in meek submission, for it is imperative to know each day the path we must follow that leads to you. Hear our prayer Lord, as we ask for protection in this severe situation we are in, and grant us mercy and deliverance. Lord, you never abandon your faithful children, for you know our needs, just as we know that without your saving power, and grace, we are nothing. We need to enact your Holy Will and fulfill your plan for us everyday, O Mighty Omnipotent God.

Lord, you make low all the aggressive, proud and arrogant, who rebel against you and you uplift the sincere and penitent sinners, who wait for your justice and compassion, in the perfect knowledge and trust that they will receive their reward in your time. For yours is the kingdom and yours is the glory. As your appointed and chosen ones, we walk victoriously in Jesus Christ, for he has gained us salvation at the heavy price of his life and has clothed us in righteousness before you.

Jesus came on earth to redeem us, not in his power and glory, but as a meek and deferential server of men. He taught us humility, and bequeathed to us crosses we are bound to carry on our journey with him to your Heavenly Kingdom. Grant us the patience and faith to believe that everything is under control, for your dominion reaches the far ends of the earth and we are safely ensconced in your arms, uplifted and exalted by your steadfast promises, fully trusting in you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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6 Prayers

  1. RudiBarko says:

    Oh, father in Heaven,
    I love you Lord, I pray that you help my friends and I that we will not give in and go back to the world. We are babies in our new life in Jesus. As you know God,, how much we need to stay close to you. We love you so much because you saved us from dying in the word. Love you, love you, love you. In Jesus name, Amen.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Loving father, develop in me humility of heart and graciousness of spirit. Thank You for the example of Christ’s humility – may I become more and more like Him in the days that lie ahead., in His name I pray, AMEN.

  3. Lydia says:

    Amen ! Thank you God our Father for your amazing grace that saved us all who believe in your Son Jesus Christ, from our sins. Please help us to lead good lives in humble service of others. In Jesus’Name we pray, Amen.?✝️

  4. Amen to the above beautiful scripture verse and powerful prayer. Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto thine. ?✝️❤️

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