Prayers and Petitions

2 Corinthians 7:10

6 March, 2021

For godly sorrow produces a salutary repentance without regret, but worldly sorrow produces death.
2 Corinthians 7:10

God our Father, Mighty Creator and Ruler of all, Savior and Deliverer of mankind, we bow in humble praise and gratitude for your saving grace, distributed to all believers, who follow your will in purity and righteousness. Lord God, in deep reparation for our sinful living and worldliness, we turn towards you with humble and contrite hearts. Help us realize that sorrow or regret over worldly things may lead us to sin and death.

Lord, in our weakness and fickleness, we have deeply offended our faithful God, and bitterly regret all the times we have surrendered to sinful desires, unmindful of the consequences and forgetting the goodness and loving kindness of our Father, who is ever willing to forgive the most wicked transgressions of a truly repentant soul, and remember them no more. Our Savior Jesus has redeemed us of all our offences and has sanctified us before you, Father and given us eternal life by his resurrection and ascension into heaven.

Our faith in your steadfastness and promises and our transformation from worldliness to spiritual maturity is what reconciles us to you. We enjoy the fruit of salvation by living holy lives in the truth of your word and in accordance with your Holy will. Help us Father, to avoid the occasions of sin. You have manifested and magnified abundantly that your power works in our weakness and that your grace is sufficient for us. Help us cling to you and abide in you, by abiding in Jesus our Lord. Amen

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