Prayers and Petitions

2 Thessalonians 3:3

19 April, 2023

But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. – 2 Thessalonians 3:3

We bow in humility and gratefulness, in the highest adoration and obeisance, before you, our Magnificent, Omnipotent God, for your Majesty in glory and bearing. Your Omnipresence is so Powerful that it overwhelms us that you love us, are always present with us, a disgraced and fickle mankind. Yet, you impart Unconditional Love to us all, a love so absolute, gracious, beneficent and zealous that you took human form and came into the world, to destroy our evil foes, freeing us from the chains of bondage and restoring us to you.

You have given us an earthly span of life which is negligible, and yet we focus our complete attention and endeavors on this illusory existence, forgetting that our purpose of life is to glorify and magnify our creator God for the splendor of your creation. Yet, you gave us new life in Christ, who, through his sacrificial death, his resurrection and ascension into heaven, created a new heart for us, giving us the consolation of the Holy Spirit, through our baptism and renewal of our faith. We consecrate our lives to you, Lord, for you have redeemed us from sin and death and made us righteous in your faithfulness.

We turn to you in our every need, for whenever we seek you with a pure and fervent heart, we find you are already waiting, with open arms. Your Holy Word is our armor against devilry and we gain power to become resolute and firm in our faith, enriched in fortitude and resilience by carrying out your Holy Will. Imbibe into us a spirit of courage and strength, to face and overcome our evil adversaries. Help us to always acknowledge you as our God and our Father, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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