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2 Timothy 2:15

29 August, 2021

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

Righteous and Gracious Father, Infallible and Infinite in wisdom and knowledge, in strength and courage, in faithfulness and understanding, you are Omnipresent and Omniscient. You’re everywhere, the fountain of all comprehension. Through Jesus, our Messiah, you have given to all who believe, your gospel of truth, and have made known to us the precepts we need to follow and the mission we have to accomplish, as bearers of the truth.

Lord, your Holy Word has to be carefully discerned with the help of the wisdom and counsel of the Holy Spirit, dwelling within us. As mortals, our minds are limited in the perception of divine nature. Only through communicating with you through your Holy Word, can we arrive at and establish the real truth of your Holy gospel and your teachings and tenets. Your word should not be preached to please men having no understanding and are bereft of faith in living in Christ.

Help us Lord, to avoid false prophets and teachers with scattered views, who bring dissent among the followers. There are some who preach under evil influences, with the intention of creating strife, thus distorting the truth of the gospel message. We need to study your word diligently, to spread it to our brethren, to be saved and sanctified by your grace.Obedience and patience, and your gracious guidance alone can help us to follow you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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