August 17, 2023
August 18, 2023
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Proverbs 13:20

18 August, 2023

He that walks with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. – Proverbs 13:20

God of Righteousness, Infallible and Eternal, you are perfection and holiness itself, and have created us in your image and likeness, to strive towards being like you, in nature and attributes. Lord, our human nature has betrayed you and offended your goodness, for we have fallen into sinfulness and worldly attachments. We have given ear to temptation and have often sinned against your faithfulness.

Although Jesus our Messiah has saved us from eternal damnation, we still falter and fail in our human weaknesses, and have thereby earned your displeasure and wrath. Your judgement is upon us and we seek your aid, your grace and your forgiveness. Help us to revive and strengthen our faith in your promises and providence, shunning evil and wicked companions and endeavoring to keep your commandments. A man is recognized by the company he keeps. Therefore Lord, help us choose wisely who we should mingle with, thereby avoiding all iniquity.

Help us discern wisely between good and evil, shunning all worldliness and advancing in spiritual wisdom and knowledge. For evil begets evil and ruin follows those who submit to vices. Help us enrich our souls by following the path you have chosen for us and doing according to your Holy Will. For Jesus our Lord has gained the free gift of your grace along with the Salvation of man, and by transforming our lives and living with love and holiness, we will journey towards salvation in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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