“Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” – Isaiah 48:18
What the Lord was saying to His people in the Old Testament, is true for us too. God does not ask us to obey His commandments because He is a harsh Lord, but because by obeying them, we can receive His blessings. Every commandment has a reason behind it, and all together are designed so that we can live in unity, one with another and have happier lives. By obeying God’s commandments, we can be blessed, have peace, happiness and prosper.
How amazing it must be to have so much peace that it will flow like a river which never goes dry. A river is powerful, the flow of its water removes everything from its path! The peace that God gives us, washes away the “debris” of life and everything that would rob us of our peace and joy. The more we obey God, the more we enjoy His peace and the less we sin. The waves of the sea are never ending and uncountable, and so is the righteousness we receive from Jesus when we are truly His.
SUGGESTED PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Your plan is so perfect! Your commandments are meant to bless me, as they teach me how to live right and have a happy life. You love me so much and You want me to enjoy my life with You. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for Your peace and righteousness. Please help me to obey You in all I do, so that Your peace can flood my heart and Your righteousness cover me. Glory and honor to Your Holy Name forever. Amen.
Source: thetruthstandsforever