Then Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies against whom you fight.” – Joshua 10:25
The Lord not only fought for His people, but when Joshua prayed, God stopped the sun from going down for about a whole day, for the people to have time to defeat their enemies. In verse 14 of the same chapter we read that “… there has been no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord heeded the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.” When we have faith for what we pray and it is in accord with God’s will, He does miracles for us, and grants our heart’s desire.
Joshua was a leader who truly depended on God and constantly asked the Lord’s advice in the decisions he had to make. God rewards our faith and dependence on Him by showing us which are the best decisions, warning us of the side effects of what we are about to do and multiplying what we have so that we always have more than enough. We need to choose to remember what God did for us, and “be strong and of good courage” when going through hardships trusting God to fight on our behalf, for He always makes a way, where there is no way.
Thank You Father God for taking such great care of me. You parted the Red Sea and made a way for the Jewish people to walk as on dry land. Nothing is too hard for You. No matter how difficult my situation seems to be, You will help me to handle it and be victorious. Father God, You even stopped the sun from going down to help Joshua. Please help me to always be strong and courageous, and help me conquer whatever comes my way, as long as I trust You. Thank You Lord, in the Name of Jesus. Amen
Excerpts: thetruthstandsforever