Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. – 2 Corinthians 5:17
To be grafted into Christ and joined to Him, one has to be born again, through the Holy Spirit, by faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Does that mean that the whole being is transformed? No, only the spirit becomes a new creation, and that is the “inward man” as Paul called it. The old sinful nature in our spirits has been removed and replaced with God’s righteous nature. The old things, our old sinful nature, have been done away with and our spirits have become new, perfect, and sinless.
But we must change our minds from thinking according to the worldly pattern to God’s model, by studying, learning, and applying God’s Word in our daily lives. It takes time to replace the old ways of doing things and perceiving life, with God’s truth, but we can all do it. The more progress we make, the less we desire to sin, the harder it is for us to lose our temper and the more we love and forgive others. In other words, we become more and more of what God created us to be in the first place and more like Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit we have received new life inside of us and we are to let it shine through us by the way we think, feel, talk, and act.
Heavenly Father, thank You for creating me in such a marvelous way. You gave me a new birth and canceled the effects of sin in my life by replacing the sinful nature in my spirit with Your righteous one. Please help me continue being transformed by renewing my mind through Your Word with the help of the Holy Spirit and crucifying my carnal nature daily, so that I may present my body to You as a living sacrifice and live to please and glorify You. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Source: thetruthstandsforever