December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023
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Proverbs 19:17

26 December, 2023

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. – Proverbs 19:17

Abba Father, your loving kindness and compassion to all, in equal measure, shows that you are an impartial God, and as your creation, striving for perfection in your image, we need to be merciful and selfless, recognising the needs of others and sensitive to their wants. You manifest yourself in all those around us and are Omnipresent, so that whenever we are charitable to our needy brethren, we are doing it for your greater glory and are assured of just rewards.

With hearts full of compassion to the poor, and hands distributing their necessities, from a true principle of love and charity to our fellowmen and not from any selfish principle, you Lord, consider it as a worthy offering to you, which will be returned with the advantage of your blessings. Every good deed carries with it a greater dispensation, in this life, in things temporal and spiritual, increasing our worldly substance, blessing our posterity, granting us larger measures of grace, and giving us peace of mind, which surpasses all understanding and will be to our merit in the life to come.

Bless us Lord, to be a blessing to all who are around us, for when we do your Holy Will, we demonstrate to others the riches of your glory, and draw them into the circle of your substantial grace. For every soul who is uplifted by the offering of our hands, we will experience your bounty and will add to our heavenly rewards. For what we do to others, we do to you, in the sufficiency of your grace poured upon us all the days of our lives. We know that in offering the advantage of benefits received, by crediting it to the afflicted ones, you will always pay the debt, for you have never forfeited your word. We trust this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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