19 July, 2024
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
Heavenly Father, as the Father of mankind, you first created Adam, and knowing he would be lonely, created Eve as his companion, to love, bond with one another in loving harmony and peace and enjoy each other’s company. You have commanded us to love our neighbor and live and let live, in the peace of Christ, walking together in brotherhood, complementing each other.
Man is not an isolated creature, but one who seeks friends who are like-minded, to join together in any kind of enterprise, pooling in their individual resources of intellectual power and labour, to gain success. Jesus encourages fellowship, for we are all related to one another, and are all children of God. Jesus as the Head and we as the members of his Sacred Body, are united by our faith and should foster the congregation of our Christian brethren in indivisible peace.
Lord, you have given each of us special blessings and talents and a plethora of abilities, which, if matched with one another, can bring about more reward, to the glory of your Name. As Christians, we live in Christ and encourage, and strengthen one another, fighting the enemy of our faith in togetherness, and giving communal praise to you, Father, keeping Jesus in our midst, ministering to one another and reaching out to all, increasing in Jesus’ Name. Amen