“Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices with the truth.” – 1 Corinthians 13:6
Where there is true, godly love, goodness thrives. We are naturally drawn to people who are joyful, loving, and selfless, even when it requires sacrifice. In contrast, we tend to distance ourselves from those who take pleasure in hurting or upsetting others. To please God, we must find no delight in evil.
The more we grasp the importance of being filled with God’s love and seeking His presence, the more joyful and lovable we become. Rejoicing in the truth leads us to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, fostering growth in integrity. As a result, not only do our actions improve, but our character transforms for the better.
We may encounter situations where it seems that avoiding sin comes at a great cost. However, the reality is the opposite. Even if standing for truth and righteousness costs us everything, it is far more valuable to resist sin and secure our place with Jesus for eternity. The stakes of eternal life far outweigh any temporary gain from sin, and we must remember that our eternal destiny is what truly matters.
Heavenly Father, You are the essence of love. You love me unconditionally, despite my imperfections, and there is nothing I can do to make You love me more. Please help me to love the truth, to embrace all that is good, and to find no pleasure in evil. Thank You for Your immense love for me. Fill me with Your love, and help me love others as You desire. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen