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Romans 12:1

10 July, 2021

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. – Romans 12:1

Lord God, you have blessed us by your Infinite Mercy, saving us from the flames of eternal damnation and lifting us, redeemed and justified, purged of our sins by our faith in our Lord Jesus’ death and resurrection and raised to everlasting life as your children. By your grace and adoption, you have given us citizenship in your Heavenly Kingdom, in righteousness, as your chosen people.

Lord, we are eternally grateful and thankful to live and abide in Christ, as he continues to abide in his faithful followers and to have the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to guide, comfort and strengthen us in faith and as members of the Body of Christ. We pledge to honor the dispensation of priesthood given to all believers in the Holy Gospel, to grow spiritually and purify our minds, hearts and bodies, to represent Christ in all avenues of life.

As Christians, we have been fortified by our faith in Jesus Christ, by your Word, Lord, and by the workings of the Holy Spirit to ward off worldliness, effectively transforming our minds and thoughts to a sanctity worthy of our calling and to conform our lives to living according to your Holy Word. We work towards presenting our whole selves, pure and cleansed, before you, temples of our Living God, enriched by your precepts and conscientiously spreading your gospel of truth as ministers of the faith in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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4 Prayers

  1. Amen to the above beautiful scripture verse and prayer. Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for being our Savior and Redeemer, for washing us clean with Your precious blood and forgiving our sins, and giving us the free gifts of salvation and the promise of eternal life. Thank You Jesus. It’s in Your Precious Name, we pray. Amen.?✝️❤️

  2. Lydia says:

    Amen to the wonderful scripture verse and prayer to our Merciful and Compassionate God, who keeps us safe from all evil and hidden dangers. We offer praise, glory, honour and thanksgiving to our Triune Godhead, now and forever. ?✝️?

Isaiah 41:13
July 9, 2021
Mark 9:23
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