29 September, 2021
Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.
James 3:13
God of Creation, you have created man in your own image and likeness, and have endowed us with attributes through which we can aspire to perfection such as yours, for you intended that man hold dominion over the earth and its creation. You have blessed us with graces and favors to attain the highest esteem in your eyes, through understanding of the purpose of our lives, and living in total obedience to your Will. Father, in humble reverence we worship your Name.
We have been imparted great spiritual knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven by the greatest teacher, our Lord Jesus Christ, who came on earth to implement Salvation history, by His death and resurrection. He redeemed us from all sin and slavery thereof, and taught us the greatest Truth contained in the gospel, that by His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, we would be included in the heavenly ranks, if we abided in Him and strengthened our faith and the faith of our fellow beings, by our exemplary conduct and works of charity.
May we become worthy in your eyes, by our works, which, under your constant scrutiny, are deemed good and zealous. May we observe discretion in distinguishing worldly knowledge from godly wisdom, applying in our life the good counsel given us by the Holy Spirit, directing our steps and guiding our actions. Lord, give us the blessing to be meek and humble and display our Christian works as a part of our nature and holy and deferential conduct, even when we deal or face censure or gentle exhortation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
4 Prayers
Amen to the above beautiful and inspiring scripture verse and powerful prayer. Praise and thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving us the gifts of wisdom and understanding, in Jesus’ Name through the Holy Spirit. ??️❤️
Amen to the prayerful response made in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. …?❤?
Amen to the wonderful scripture verse and prayer, made to Almighty God, our Creator in the Mighty Name of Jesus, by our dear sister. Glory and praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forevermore. ???
Amen to the prayerful response made in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. …?❤?