7 October, 2021
This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. – John 15:12
Glorious God, of Love, you are love itself. Love, in every fibre of your Being. And to manifest your infinite love, you put aside your infinite Majesty and came to earth as man, to display to wretched mankind the power and spirit of love, perfect and unconditional, full of inexhaustible mercy and compassion, a love which is ready to give up life and living, for the sake of a friend. A true, selfless ardour, not self absorbed, but truly unblemished.
From the beginning of creation, we have been walking in your love, without caring to acknowledge it. Because of our ego and arrogance, we cast your love aside and submitted to worldly pleasures, vile and sinful, slipping deeper and deeper into the dragnet of the ruler of darkness. Lord, only your wisdom, steadfastness and passion, your love, faithfulness and righteousness, saved us from eternal damnation of hellfire and restored us to the radiant, peaceful holiness of heaven.
Father, your commandment can bear fruit in us, through faith in our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ your only Son, Who has delivered us for all ages through the ransom of his precious blood for our sins. He died, that we may enjoy eternal life in your heavenly kingdom, as co-heirs and adopted sons of his Father, our God. He showed us the true strength and power of your love and taught us to follow your Will and your Way, by walking in obedience, in his holy footsteps. By living in him and loving our neighbor, we can abide in your grace forever, in Jesus’ Name. Amen