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1 Peter 5: 10

17 January, 2022

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. – 1 Peter 5:10

Lord God, we glorify and praise your Name, for you are a God of great Mercy, indefinable and inexhaustible. You shower your abundance in graces and favor upon all who seek you, serve you, follow you and abide in you. Lord, we have the comforting assurance that you will be with us all our days, through the Power of your Holy Spirit. You invite us to make you a focal part of our lives and offer to carry our burdens. You never disappoint anyone imploring you, in faith, for your assistance in our trials and tribulations, but you lift us up when we fall and redeem us in our weakness.

Father, in accordance with your plan of redemption, all believers shall be partakers in your Heavenly Kingdom, called to your glory, because it is that which you have promised us, and your promises are just and unchanging. We live in hope of the day of our salvation when we will behold the vision of your glory. Jesus has taught us to follow him, carrying our cross with forbearance, living in holiness and humility. Give us your strength when we weaken, Lord, that we may not fall and may strive to stay true to your ways in obedience.

As we conform our lives to your service and establish your covenant with us by spreading your Holy Word, may we adhere to your plans by persevering in our Christian mission, striving hard to hold firmly to our Christian faith and our foundation in Jesus’ Church, of which we form the Body of Christ. We persist and even in our difficulties, hold on to our Christian course, without failing or coming short of the goal, for we move ahead with singular assistance from you, thus enabling us to reach our final destination in Christ our Lord. Amen

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January 17, 2022
January 18, 2022