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Acts 1: 8

5 June, 2022

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – Acts 1:8

O Lord, you are Powerful, Gracious and Everloving, and we open our hearts in outpourings of praise and song to you. For you have looked upon us with great favor, and delivered us, from evil, for all ages, unto the end of time, by the singular, one time, sacrifice of our Lord Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. You shower us with your mighty grace, by our faith. We rejoice and declare our eternal gratitude, that you did not abandon us to a life of wickedness, darkness and bondage.

Instead, you have raised us out of our misery and into the light of your truth. You have also given us the gift of your Holy Spirit to dwell within us and lead us, counseling and sanctifying our hearts and souls. Our primary task as your people, living in Christ, is to witness and proclaim the truth of your Kingdom, thus testifying to your power while professing your Word. Jesus promised his disciples, that the Holy Spirit would descend upon them, so that, not of their own strength, but of God’s grace, they would witness to the truth, empowered by your Holy Spirit.

Bless us, Lord, to obtain your grace by deepening faith, and to proclaim your glory, revealing to people all over the world the merits of living holy lives, in your Holy Word and according to your Holy Will, to receive the gift of eternal salvation. May we be willing to die to self, to live in Christ and be led by the Holy Spirit to spread the glorious gospel of Christ, to all those you choose to place in our path, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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June 5, 2022
June 5, 2022