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Amos 5:24

12 January, 2022

But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream. – Amos 5:24

Almighty God, Ever-Living, Loving and Merciful, we are full of repentance for the uncountable times we have offended you and we seek your forgiveness, resolving to avoid the pitfalls placed in our path by the ruler of darkness who never ceases trying to ensnare us. Our Lord Jesus has exhorted us to carefully avoid temptation, by abiding in him and we seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit to give us aid and guidance in difficult and dangerous situations.

You are a Just God, and have been, time and again, exonerating us for our terrible transgressions. We are grateful to our Lord Jesus, who had given up his life, to obtain us salvation and thus, eternal life. He is the source of living and sanctifying waters. Yet, if we continue in rebellion, we are accountable for our iniquities and will have to pay the consequences. For you are impartial in your judgment and all sinners have to be cleansed in the waters of purification, to be justified before you.

We beseech you Lord to help us in our endeavours, as we continue along the path of life, striving to overcome all obstacles placed in our path by the evil one. We are prone to sinfulness and need to be immersed in the stream of holiness by transforming our lives and living with love and concern towards our brothers, providing those in need with material and spiritual sustenance, just as our Lord showed us. We need to live righteously, ever abiding by your covenant with us, for you desire as sacrifice, right living with a humble demeanour,  in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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January 12, 2022
January 13, 2022