Prayers and Petitions

Colossians 1:13

3 November, 2022

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.
Colossians 1:13

Abba Father, our Creator, All-powerful and All-knowing, through our own transgressions of rebellion and sinful disobedience, we were chained to the vile ruler of evil, Satan’s territory, from which we could not escape on our own strength. The power of sin and despair threatened to consume us and we cried out to you from the abyss of misery. Lord, we had full trust and faith in your promises, providence and protection.

You have delivered us from great danger of destruction, death and decay, by sending Jesus as our Messiah, to outdo the devil and put a stop to his reign of darkness, by shepherding us all into the Light of your purifying Grace. You have delivered all believers from the shackles of ignominy and dealt us a gratuitous freedom, not through our meritorious deed or pious inclination, but by your Grace, lifting the yoke of iniquity, and replacing it with salvation.

Lord, we are certain that our Omnipotent God will never abandon his people and we wait in eagerness for your Word to come to pass in this world, when the ruler of darkness will be ousted and placed under Jesus our Savior’s feet. We wait for the second coming, when peace and tranquility will replace disease, death, damnation and destruction, and we will reside in the healing Light of your Presence, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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