Prayer on All Saints Day
November 1, 2020
Prayer for All Souls’ Day
November 2, 2020
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Colossians 3:16

1 November, 2020

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16

Lord God, Eternal Father, we richly give you praises and thanks for guiding, leading and saving us from the ignominy of sin and destruction. Your doctrines, Lord, are clear and precise, and we need to follow your commands through careful meditation and instruction, in order to imbibe the true sagacity of your Holy Word and apply the insights we receive, into our lives, with diligence and a true faith.

The understanding of your Holy Word and the enforcing of its implications in our daily life and thinking will help us receive the abundance of blessings contained therein when richly stored in the innermost recesses of our heart and adhered to at every turn and bend of our lives. It demands that we decrease, by allowing Christ to increase in our lives through the teachings of the Church where the truth of God is proclaimed and conscientiously believed, because that is where God resides.

Help us to grow in productive fellowship with our brethren, assisting one another, remedying our shortcomings, rectifying our sinful errors, to advance in the proper insights of our faith. May we sing constant songs and melodies of praise and worship to our magnificent God, offering it with grace and humble penitent hearts, singing with sincere devotion and may the simplicity of our song as well as the depth of our love be pleasing in your sight.

Lord, we desire to so venerate your Holy Name, that through wise adaptation of your Holy Word into the very fiber of our being, we may reflect, to the world at large, that Christ’s sacrifice for the sake of our redemption is not in vain. May we, in true, salvific spirit, evangelize, in effectual ministration, bearing witness to the Truth of your gospel and your Eternal Promises, by drawing numerous souls into the Light of your Providence, in the name of Jesus. Amen

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1 Prayer