28 February, 2024
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. — Daniel 12:3
Almighty Father, Ever Righteous, you impart wisdom to those who seek you with sanctified souls, for there are many who take the step to live for you, abiding in Christ, yet remain stagnant in effectively drawing other souls to you by edifying your Holy Name. They are not dedicated to being witnesses of Jesus as our Risen Lord, Who sacrificed his life for fallen mankind. This is not true wisdom, nor love of God. To die to self and serve others is to gain eternal life by building God’s Kingdom. To go the extra mile to bring our suffering brethren out of misery, should be our anthem in life.
Believing in Jesus also means to do what he desires. Jesus wants us to be witnesses of our faith and uplift those who are lost and downtrodden, those who are living in sin, by leading exemplary lives in Christ, and dying to self by living in Christ. He wants us to train others up in the ways of God, the ways of righteousness and holiness. To do anything less, is not loving you, Father God, nor does it set an example for others. When being your witness and building your Kingdom, we should shine our light on others, like the stars for all eternity.
Loving Lord, help us to know Jesus our Savior and to be wise in your ways, that we may carry out your mission on this earth and spread the Light of your Holy Word in this dark world. Use us as an example for others. May our path reflect your grace and the glory of your kingdom. We pray that our actions and deeds may sow the seeds of righteousness for others. Help us to walk in your light, so that those who see us, see you. Help us to guide our fellowmen to righteousness, by our evangelical mission. We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen