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Deuteronomy 4:29

9 December, 2021

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. – Deuteronomy 4:29

God, you are Merciful and Infallible, abiding by your promises of your new covenant with man. Your love is selfless, unparalleled, and unceasing. We rightly praise and glorify you, and exalt your Name high above the earth. Sinful man can never turn away, but rather, seeks a merciful God, who will never forsake us, if we are faithful and repentant for there is nobody to sustain us, and save and heal us, but our Creator and Redeemer.

Lord, you alone can uphold us in your justice and compassion, you alone can save us from the heresies committed and the persecution by our adversaries, and you alone can redeem us from our iniquities. Let us be held to our Christian mission by fervently seeking you in holy places, with the unwavering assurance that if we want communion with you, with the sincere faith of our entire beings, by the bonds of love, we can feel your presence and your mercies will prevail upon us.

Endow us with your divine light, through the Holy Spirit, to follow your commands that you may be glorified thereby. Lord, give us peace for our faith and perseverance and prosperity for our piety and humble supplication. We will always focus on you Lord, for we know the consequences of your wrath when we rebel against you. We pray that you always look upon us with favor, as we continue in the path of your grace, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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December 9, 2021
December 10, 2021