Prayers and Petitions

Ecclesiastes 7:9

16 October, 2021

Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools. – Ecclesiastes 7:9

Abba Father, as our Creator and God, you are King and Majesty of the heavens and the earth, of the entire firmament and your dominion rests over all, for all ages gone by, and all that are yet to come, forevermore. You are a Just and Righteous God, perfect in all your attributes, and rule over your people with wisdom and understanding. Mortals, though endowed by you with your likeness, have their sight fixed on gains and goals temporal in nature which makes them egoistic, selfish and vain.

Jesus, our Savior, instituted your new covenant with us, by which you have commanded all mankind to love you with their entire being and to love our fellowmen as we love ourselves, to be humble and to serve one another. This is your Will and purpose for us. Our duty is to take the right path to reach your kingdom and reside in your presence. Your unconditional love is far greater in righteousness than your wrath at our repeated misdemeanors and iniquity. We need to aspire to live godly lives, spent in reverence, fear and submission to you.

Lord, you have warned us against anger which is unrighteous, so as not to ignite your just fury. To be arrogant and to have uncontrolled, unbridled rage, is to be under the control of the evil one, and is likened to the action of fools, who retain and harbor bitter hatred and unforgiveness, thus losing their souls, forfeiting your grace and the gift of eternal salvation. Lord, help us to be obedient and faithful and look towards eternal gains, through Jesus our Lord. Amen

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