4 August, 2020
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1–3
Dear God, Heavenly Father, you have called us to adoption as your children to the praise of your glory. Enlighten us to able perception of the mission to which we are called, as your people worthy of a heritage in your Kingdom and conscientiously working towards perfecting ourselves to your image and likeness by our imitation of Jesus’ life and teaching . You have made us members of one body in Christ Jesus, through baptism and purification by the Holy Spirit. Under the headship of Jesus, with the universal Church binding the peoples of all nations, help us to shoulder mature responsibility in good works with kindred attitude of peace towards one another, without being overbearing, with cohesion of effort and an inwrought grace of the soul. Lord, we will endeavor to march tirelessly onward, without languishing in perverse diversions, mustering self-restraint to endure any trial, diligently guarding the unity and oneness with your Holy Spirit. Endow us with forbearance to rid ourselves of dissension, mingling with one another in love, patience, gentleness and humility. With zealous unanimity in our Lord Jesus Christ, we earnestly pray. Amen