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Ephesians 4:29

9 February, 2023

No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29

Abba Father, Eternal God, in your unconditional love which is beyond a human being’s comprehension, in your unending depth of mercy and compassion, we invoke your Holy Name in humble prayer and supplication, to save us from impurities and ungodliness. May no impure or sinful words proceed from our mouth, under any circumstance and may we have the grace to control the words emanating from our mouth, knowing that we are always in your ubiquitous presence. May our speech reflect the meditation of our hearts, which, abiding in Jesus may be gracious, pure, instructive and edifying.

Father God, we beg forgiveness for any offensive feelings we may have projected as a result of our utter human nature. Forgive any insolence towards our brethren, which may have been caused impulsively, for any offence caused by ungainly conduct and quickness of action, leads to a low spirit, misunderstanding and bitterness. May we, by Christ-like behaviour, negate any hatred unknowingly caused. Help us, we plead, to consciously hold our tongue until we can respond in gentleness. In our words, may we strengthen the spirit of the weak, the suffering and those who are broken-hearted. May our humane conduct be uplifting, with the life and grace that is found in you.

Jesus came to serve and to save, to suffer and to uplift, and gave of himself without reserve and with the utmost humility of spirit. Men belittled him and yet, he bore the insults, reproach, false utterances of cruel mankind, never defending himself, but remaining silent in the face of false accusations, lies and hateful oppression and persecution. Give us the grace to follow Jesus’ ways in speech and action, in word and deed, that we may glorify the Spirit of the Living God and live in imitation and emulation of his simplicity. Create in us a spirit of wisdom and understanding, help us rid ourselves of deceit, malice, slander and anger, that we may defeat our evil adversaries and triumph in the face of malice and transgression, soothing our fellowmen and cleansing our spirits to serve others, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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February 9, 2023
February 10, 2023