28 January, 2023
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:10–11
Lord God, you are Almighty and Eternal,
our Tower of Might, our Pillar of Refuge. We rely on your goodness and mercy and have absolute faith in the core of your doctrines. As your children, we have recourse to the guidance of your Holy Spirit, Advocate and Counselor. Nevertheless, there are moments when the pressures of life overwhelm us, when we are weak and vulnerable and exposed to the unseen conflicts of spiritual forces against us. The great horde of evil powers drawing us down make us powerless to combat them on our own strength.
At such times, Lord, we are assured of our Lord Jesus’ mighty deliverance when we seek help and put our trust in our unfailing God. We don the strength of his might and the armor that he bought with his Precious Blood, the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit of God, comforted that we need not wrestle the wily demons of Satan on our own. In Christ, we know for certain that our God is for us, and that we are more than conquerors through him who loves us.
Jesus promised abundant life, but revealed that we would face trials persecutions and torments, as sheep against wolves. But just as our Good Shepherd overcame the world and put his oppressors and opponents to shame, with him as our Shepherd, we raise a loud Hallelujah, confident he will see us safely home. Your armor God, in the person of our Lord Jesus is impossible to vanquish, our victory and salvation. Always and forever, our hope is in Jesus’ Name. Amen
2 Prayers
Amen! Our God is a mighty God and with the power of the Holy Spirit we will overcome all forces that try to separate us from Him. Thank You and Praise You Abba Father, Jesus Savior and Holy Spirit ?
Amen…Praise the Lord! Thank you dear Les, for your powerful, prayerful response ..God bless! ??