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Ephesians 6:13

3 April, 2024

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. – Ephesians 6:13

Lord of all creation, we acknowledge with deep accord, the Might and Majesty of our God, Who, though the wiles of Satan tries to overpower us with viciousness, strengthens us as we face the wickedness of war with the evil forces of darkness, wearing the Armor of faith, hope and trust. According to your Holy Will, which we seek and obediently persevere in following, as indeed it will be absolutely necessary for us to do, we ready ourselves for all conflicts, and accomplish, with your power and grace the victory of warfare, succeeding, to stand with joy, before the Son of man.

Being in readiness for the encounter as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, we not only face the enemy with the truths of the gospel, but with truth dwelling in our very soul, in the spirit of truth, without which all our knowledge of divine truth will not suffice in the evil day. Our faith, O Lord, we don, as a distinct part of the spiritual armour, because only the truth of the Scriptures, emblazoned in our hearts and souls can become true and unfeigned profession of that faith, opposing and destroying hypocrisy, by retaining uprightness of heart in our whole behaviour toward God and man, and a sincere desire to know and do the will of God, in all things.

In these evil times of temptation, Satan is on constant prowl, entering even the Holy places, and his greatest defeat is our steadfast faith and righteousness to stand firm in the face of a stormy battle, as staunch soldiers of Christ. We pray that, having done all that belongs to good soldiers of Jesus Christ, we can secure our standing as brave conquerors of the evil that tries to destroy, but will not succeed, as long as we are vigilant and counter the attacks of Satan, not being beaten down, or giving way. but winning the battle for Christ, in his Name. Amen


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April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024