Colossians 1: 3-5
August 15, 2020
Sirach 2: 6-8
August 16, 2020
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Feast of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary – August 15, 2020

Prayer on the Solemnity of  the Assumption of Our Lady – 15, August. 

Mary our Mother, Perpetual Virgin, by your perfect obedience to God’s predestined plan for humanity, you were afforded the extraordinary blessing and mission of exemption from the stain of original sin and the offering of the purity of your womb as a fitting dwelling for the divine Son of God to assume flesh and come amongst us as the Son of Man. Your affirmation heralded the beginning of eternal salvation purposed by God in his infinite love for his creation. You made possible for us our new birth in the Holy Spirit, readying us for redemption. God’s Holy Spirit was initially made manifest by his overshadowing Power in your conception, making you the Ark of the new Covenant, housing the God of our salvation. You personify the ultimate Mother, of God and of man and the perfect example of love, humility, obedience, suffering and sacrifice. God has, by divine sanction offered a fitting tribute to you, his earthly mother, by the assumption of your incorruptible body and soul to the heavenly realms to dwell in perennial glory as Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven. Gentle Mother, our Mediatrix, pray for us all and obtain for us our petitions made in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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2 Prayers

  1. Amen to the above beautiful prayer to the Mother of Jesus Christ and our heavenly mother. She is the epitome of love, trust in God, purity, humility, piety and virtue. She accepted God’s will in her life with undoubted faith and trust and carried and gave birth to the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ in a stable in Bethlehem and lived according to God’s will to the end. Thank you dear Mother for your powerful intercession. Amen. ???

  2. Lydia says:

    Amen! Lovely prayer to our loving Mother Mary. Dear Mother Mary kindly intercede on our behalf to your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to free the world from the COVID-19 pandemic.??