Prayers and Petitions

Galatians 5:24

16 August, 2021

And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. – Galatians 5:24

God of Creation, the entire firmament moves in the motion you have set it to, and all plans for the earth and its people are of your making. You have known and are Omniscient of all happenings, before the world began. You are Creator and Deliverer, Savior and Redeemer. You sent Christ your Son, knowing that his ransom for our sins by death, was the only way to regain your people forever.

We are Christ’s, the people you chose, who are ingrafted into Christ by faith, united to him, and so, becoming members of his Body. By abiding in Christ, we affiliate ourselves to him, by our faith. Christ has performed an immense sacrifice of monumental proportion, to return us to you, and, on our part we cleave to Christ and profess our faithfulness in Christ, by overcoming the wily temptations of this world.

Father God, as Christians, we have been crucified with Christ and are with him and he, in us, for all ages, through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, as members of Christ, may we carefully reject the affections and lusts, the inordinate desires and passions of the flesh, which is bound to die, correcting and erasing, mortifying, and cleansing our old sinful nature, deliberately putting it to death, denying sin and carrying the cross for our sanctification, thus gaining eternal salvation, in Christ our Lord. Amen

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