Prayers and Petitions

Galatians 6:10

30 July, 2021

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. – Galatians 6:10

Heavenly Father, you have chosen us as your children, especially those who abide in you, in faith and righteousness. We are overwhelmed and grateful to receive the outpourings of your grace, freely, and totally unmeritoriously. As your appointed, faithful elect, we extol your Holy Name and, with great reason to rejoice, mingle our voices in praise and worship to our God and Father.

Our effectual calling to Christ’s fold, has brought us together as Christians, of the household of the Church founded here, on earth, by our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus. He is the Head and we, members of His Body. We are under obligation to continue to accomplish the mission started by Jesus, taken forward by His Apostles and handed over to us, as ministers and priests of our Lord, to go forth and make disciples of all people, spreading the good news of the Holy Gospel, telling of the truth of eternal life.

According to our time and ability, we employ ourselves to do good to all men, harm to none, to supply the necessities of others by our spiritual advice and counsel, with all assistance that may in any way, be of spiritual profit or benefit to them. We can and should, with our worldly goods, minister to their needs. Especially those, who are of our own faith, preferring Christians, that belong to the church, and the household of God, but also manifesting the true faith by our actions towards unbelievers, unrelated to the church. Lord, bless us to become carriers of the news of salvation, obtainable by all, through conversion to the faith, by belief in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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