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Hebrews 10 : 35-36

24 July, 2020

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35–36, NIV

Abba Father, the Rock of our Salvation, with joyful acclaim we intone your Might and Majesty and sing praises of your mighty workings. You have manifested abundantly the blessings you bestow upon us, your children, when we tread the infallible paths you have perfected for each of us. Give us the patience and singular perseverance to adhere to your holy plans for us, fixing our sights on your unfailing promises of a great recompense of reward for all who endure their crosses to the end. We hope to acquire your infinite graces with constant invocation to the Holy Spirit for protection and guidance and by avoiding the treachery of the evil one. Until we safely reach your Heavenly shores, in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

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6 Prayers

  1. Father God please help us never to let go of your Word and the promises You have given us according to your Holy Will. We are weak but You are strong, and we can do all things through Your strength which you give us so freely and unconditionally. Help us to live our lives according to your commandments. In this crucial stage in our lives let us never to let go of the promises You have made to us if we live our lives according to your Will, so that we can reach the goal you have set for us, which is eternal life. Thank you for your love and mercy which you have given us so freely. We love you Father God and want to be your children now and forever. This prayer we make to you Father God, in your Son and our Lord Jesus’s name through God the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  2. Amen to the above prayer to our Heavenly Father, made in the mighty Name of Jesus.????

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