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Isaiah 14: 32

17 November, 2020

What answer shall be given to the envoys of that nation? “The Lord has established Zion, and in her his afflicted people will find refuge.” Isaiah 14:32

Heavenly Father, all praise and honor rightly belong to you, for you are omnipotent and omniscient and everything, from the rising of the sun to its setting, is ordained by you alone. You have dominion over the heavens and all the earth. We walk in your ways and deliver testimonies of your wondrous works in our lives. You have delivered us, defended us and redeemed us. We are devotees of your true Church, and rest safely in its shelter.

You dispense your light and salvation to all who profess faith in you and support, bless and fill with your sublime grace all who show obedience and humble submission to your ordinances.Your chosen congregation can unhesitantly approach you for the blessings they need to live a holy life.

Your establishment on earth stands undisputed, indestructible and invincible and your people repose trust in you as a God who is the protector of his people. No weapon that is formed against your people shall prosper, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against your church.

We seek this hope in your promises in the present times of calamity. May your church be a refuge and sanctuary to the most weak and defenseless. In your church, dear God, no distinction exists because it is an equalizer where poor, rich; the humble, the meek, the weak, the feeble, are all safe, and no power of any enemy can reach or affect them. You are our defender and our protector, our safeguard and comfort and we rest in the niche of your secure arms, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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