Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 25:8

1 May, 2021

He will destroy death forever. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces; The reproach of his people he will remove from the whole earth; for the Lord has spoken.  Isaiah 25:8

Lord, you are our Stronghold, our Strength, our saving grace, our fortress, in this very present need, and we surrender ourselves, the world, the future, into your capable, trustworthy hands. We thank you for all mercies, all miracles, all wondrous deeds and marvels of your hand we are witness to, in a time when the world is in shambles, time stands still and we are trampled by a pandemic which, seemingly, has no end. Having reached the zenith of endurance, we rest on your loving mercy.

We wait in hopeful anticipation, for the promised second coming of Christ, a magnificent, resurrected Lord, who will establish his everlasting kingdom on earth, where all the anointed will live eternally. Jesus has destroyed death and sin by his first coming, as man incarnate, dying and finishing off the curse once and for all. He will wipe out corporeal, spiritual and eternal death, abolishing it forevermore. He will deal justice to all the faithful who have upheld their faith even after being persecuted by the apostate and the unbelievers.

Father, we await the day when all the faithful dead shall be resurrected with Christ’s victorious coming and pain will give way to joyous jubilation. We shall be in your presence, to love and worship you, singing praises and glorifying your Holy Name. All transgressions, guilt, temptations, the varied wiles of Satan, will be vanquished forever and you will never be provoked to wrath, for sin and all calumnies will be destroyed, as decreed by your sacred promises, which we trust, by the working of the Spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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