10 February, 2025
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. – Isaiah 26:3
Almighty God, Rock of our Salvation, Eternal and Omnipotent God, your righteousness and steadfastness are acknowledged by all creation, for you have created us to endure forever. You have saved us from damnation to live with you till eternity and you give refuge, and defend all who trust you implicitly, and in absolute obedience and humble submission surrender to you, with undoubted faith.
Lord, you are full of Might and Power, Compassion, and Mercy, and our minds and thoughts are focused on you, in confidence that residing in you, in the shelter and safety of your care and love, we will benefit with peace forevermore. You are the Defender of your creation and even though we betrayed and created distance in our relationship, you saved us at the cost of our Messiah’s life, retrieving us to your kingdom.
Prince of Peace, we seek comfort and solace in your presence through the indwelling Spirit within us, with complete assurance that the peace of our conscience and the peace that settles our thoughts and mind on you, by faith, will be ours, just as was promised by Jesus. He rendered to us, not the peace associated with the flesh, but a spiritual and eternal peace, which by our faith will be rightly preserved and defended by your Holy, Almighty Power, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
1 Prayer
My daughter Charmaine has a submandibular lymph node which is tested to be tuberculosis, she has been started with medicine