Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 35: 10

2 February, 2021

And those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. Isaiah 35:10

O God of eternal and inextinguishable promises, we, your faithful people, join the innumerable company of angels and the numbers of the just who reside in your presence as a reward of their spirits perfected in your likeness, to praise, worship and rejoice in your saving graces bestowed upon us. We have endeavored to be perfect followers of your holy word and have endured calamities and tribulations with stoic faith in you and in the redemption our Messiah has gained for us, making us members of the assembly of the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven.

We believe in the deliverance from sin, of which we are recipients, by virtue of being followers of Jesus Christ, who has secured for us freedom from bondage and slavery to the rulers of darkness, by washing us with his precious blood. He has incorporated us in a glorious society of co-heirs to the Kingdom of heaven. Lord, you have taken us unto yourself, by Jesus’ sacrifice and we have been sanctified by your grace which transcends earthly boundaries and frees us from all evil bondages. We have been enlightened and purified through our baptism, receiving the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit by our faith and belief in the covenant of God and by our reverence of your ordinances.

Abba Father, we are fortunate and humbled to be counted among your anointed ones, and glorify you, for your unconditional and steadfast faithfulness. We focus on fulfilling your dictates and commands to be crowned with joyful hope and the cheering prospect of eternal life which will terminate all worldly joys and sorrows of this present time and give us the permanence of rejoicing in you for posterity in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

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