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Isaiah 48:18

14 August, 2020

If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea. Isaiah 48:18

Lord Most High, you created us in the sameness of your image and it is our highest privilege and honor to extol your profound greatness in praises every day of our lives. Lord, you have counseled and shepherded us towards perfection such as yours, by the statutes and commands you have given us and we need only to follow your Holy Will and obey your Word to remain in your favor. Grant us pardon Lord, for remorselessly failing to hearken to your voice, thus endangering the inheritance of being recipients of your just glory and beneficence as children of God. Despite our heinous sins of disobedience, you have revealed your love and mercy Lord, by saving us of our callous wrongdoings with the offering of the sacificial Lamb, your Son and our Savior, and the gift of eternal life. Keeping in sight this wondrous demonstration of your love, we resolve to reinstate ourselves in your sight whereby even under judgment we shall not despair, but with the guidance of your Holy Spirit, courageously defend ourselves against the assaults of Satan and his evil strongholds. Extend to us your strength and soothing peace through the peace we have received from Our Lord Jesus Christ, we fervently implore in his Name. Amen

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8 Prayers

  1. Lydia says:

    Amen! Father God, we love you and thank you for the free gift of Salvation by offering your only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer. Thank you Lord.??

  2. Joan D'Cruz says:

    Lord we pray for all spouses and families. Keep us united in love and loving in spirit.

  3. Joan D'Cruz says:

    Lord we pray for all spouses and families. Keep them united in love and loving in spirit.

  4. Amen to the above beautiful prayer!! Yes, the Lord wants us to trust and obey his commands and his Word. Our lives will be full of peace, love and joy if we only walk in his ways. Let us love the Lord our God with all our hearts and souls and minds and strength and thus find favour in His eyes. Praise and thank you Jesus. Alleluia! Amen.??❤️

Isaiah 51: 11-12a
August 13, 2020
Colossians 1: 3-5
August 15, 2020