13 August, 2020
Those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. “I, even I, am he who comforts you.” Isaiah 51:11–12a
O Mighty God of fidelity and tender compassion, we place our undoubted trust in your adherence to your promises, knowing that any bondage is only as temporal as our life on earth and that our eternal heritage is the ultimate glory that awaits us. The man-made advancements of the earth are trifling and of little value, as displayed in our current situation where our earth has been dealt a blow of irrecoverable proportion. Calamity and toil follow us when on earth, but just as adversity, afflictions and condemnation vanish when their time is spent, followed by peace and tranquility of body and spirit, our earthly trials will, when triumphed over, merit deliverance by you, O God, whose word endures forever. We are confident that all perversive powers will be vanquished and replaced by a life of restoration and righteousness, when the spirit is freed from the shackles of earthly subjection. When you, Father will gather all your people unto you, in universal conversion, in communion with Christ our Savior, and when eternal joy and chants of adoration with the legion of angels and saints will resound in the heavenly domains. We eagerly await this, through Jesus our Lord . Amen
4 Prayers
Amen! Amen!
Wonderful prayer to our Heavenly Father. Blessed be His Holy Name now and forevermore.???
Amen.. Praise the Lord… ??
Amen to the above prayer. Yes, those whom the Lord has saved and are his chosen people, will enter the gates of Heaven singing with gladness, and there will be great rejoicing and no more sorrow, pain or death. The Lord will comfort his people and all Heaven will praise, glorify and worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all eternity. Amen. ??
Praise the Lord! Amen ??