11 August, 2020
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy. When the Lord returns to Zion, they will see it with their own eyes. Isaiah 52:7–8
Dear God, as your appointed people, your children, we delight in calling you Abba Father. Your dominion extends from end to end and age to age. As members of Christ’s body, we devoutly commit to testifying the good news of your peace, mercy and deliverance, a free gift to those who believe. Help us to carry out our mission of evangelization, as witnesses of the truth, so that even the ends of the earth shall see your acts of salvation. We join the heavenly sentinels with tumultuous chants of jubilation and thanksgiving in the acclamation of the wondrous deeds of glory, power and kingship of our one, true living God. You brought about the restoration of mankind, and peoples of all nations will forevermore bear witness and give testimony of the saving grace of their God who manifested himself on earth, as the Messiah, lifting them out of the abyss of damnation and darkness into the everlasting, heavenly light of redemption. Lord, in the dark confusion of calamity presently surrounding us, we turn our penitent faces heavenward, pleading for your mercy. In Jesus’ Name, grant our petitions made from the depths of our helplessness and save your people. Amen
6 Prayers
Almighty God, you sent your only son Jesus Christ to be the harbinger of peace, love, joy and salvation to the whole world. His death on the cross and resurrection on the third day brought forgiveness, and mercy to all those who believed in Him and accepted Him as Savior and Lord. He also promises believers eternal life in Heaven, as He is the son of the Living God. Thank you Father. It’s in Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.
Amen.. Praise You, Lord God ?
Amen! Lord God please have pity on all your people and keep us safe during this pandemic. Thank you Lord. ???
Amen.. Thank. You, Lord! ??
Lot God keep us safe and positive in these troubled times. Thank you for all your graces bestowed on us.
Amen ??Praise the Lord