Prayers and Petitions

Isaiah 53:11

11 September, 2020

After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11

Dear Heavenly Father, your supreme, absolute love for your creation is revealed by your plan of eternal redemption for us through the atoning sacrifice of your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, your Word made flesh, sent to the earth as the promised Messiah. Jesus took away the sins of the world, by taking the iniquities, transgressions and thus, the punishment of mankind, upon himself, redeeming us through the aeons of all duration.

Our beloved Savior suffered a death of ignominy dealt by treacherous mankind and we betrayed and crucified him but he gladly bore it all, knowing that by the cross his Heavenly Father’s glory would be restored and suffering humanity would be acquitted for all time from the guilt of their sins and the dreadful consequences thereof.

The Son of Man came to serve his Father by serving mankind and to satisfy the justice of God by bearing the condemnation of our infidelities. The sight of us being saved and cleansed, purified and justified by his sorrowful passion and death, purchasing and procuring for us a meritorious life as children of his Father, with a rich inheritance in the Heavenly Kingdom, served as the blessed fruit of all his labours and sufferings.

Our Lord Jesus restored to us communion with you, dear Father, so that knowing and worshipping you and adhering to your Holy Word, would become the foundation of his benefaction of salvation for us, giving his immense sacrificial act the recompense of victory and triumph. He has led us into righteousness and we continue his mission of drawing into the exultation of your Presence the rest of our brethren, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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