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ISAIAH 55:6-7

15 March, 2023

Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.- Isaiah 55:6-7

God our Father, of Infinite Mercy, Boundless Compassion, Incomparable and Unconditional Love, we praise, worship and extol your Perfect Attributes, your uninhibited love and forgiveness for all mankind, which is totally beyond human comprehension. You raised Jesus up from the dead, to sit in judgement at your right hand, after he became the curse through his incarnation and erased sin by his death. By the power of His Holy Spirit, and seated in his rightful place, Jesus reigns on High, victoriously, as the Prince of Peace and the Fount of Mercy, forgiving the errors of our ways and calling us to redemption.

As your children and chosen elect, we need to secure our salvation by abiding in our Lord Jesus, as he abides in us, through the indwelling Spirit, and we turn away from evil thoughts and deeds, keeping temptation away, by calling on the Precious Name of Jesus, Who waits for our cry and reaches out to save us from perishing. We need to be on our guard constantly, and pray for your aid, Abba Father, to help us against the temptor. We turn to you, Lord of mercy, for you make the battle yours Lord, knowing our weakness. You forgive us instantly, the moment we call on you in faithfulness and righteousness. Have mercy on us sinners Lord, for you freely pardon all sinners who are repentant and have absolute faith.

Though Jesus accomplished his mission on earth through his teaching, atoning sacrifice and resurrection, he still engages in our lives, helping us navigate through all of life’s twists and turns. Having been through the most dire trials and the most terrible temptations of the evil one, without sinning, he understands our needs perfectly and is present with us till the end, exactly as he promised. His prayers and petitions to you, God the Father, on our behalf, builds our confidence that we receive total absolution and forgiveness of our iniquity. When you, Almighty Father, grant us pardon and absolute forgiveness in Jesus’ Name, we need not fear any human’s unforgiveness, for you will repay the just, and punish the transgressor, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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March 15, 2023
March 15, 2023