October 12, 2024
October 12, 2024
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Isaiah 6:8

12 October, 2024

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us’? Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me’. -Isaiah 6:8

God Almighty, magnificence permeates your very Being, and your radiance spreads around your Seat of Mercy, with the cherubim, the seraphim and all the heavenly hosts surrounding your elevated throne. Any mortal viewing this wondrous vision is spellbound by its glory and its sanctity and we become fully aware of our unworthiness and sinfulness. Lord, it is your unimaginable love and redeeming grace in the face of our impurities that makes us humble and truly overwhelmed.

You have cleansed our wicked and impure selves, bringing us to purification, through the singular sacrifice of our Savior and redeemer, Who has washed the scarlet stains of our iniquity by the shedding of his Blood as a ransom for the sins of the entire human race. He has freed us, leading us in righteousness and justification before your Holy Throne. You have surrounded all who have faith and live in Christ, with your pure grace, appointing us to the status of children of God, and co-heirs with Jesus, to live eternally in heaven.

Father, this is the greatest gift we have received, the gift of eternal Salvation, and we are fortified in faith by Jesus, and live as members of Christ’s Body, with the perennial presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and keeping us safe and secure in the shelter of your powerful protection. This astounding realization, that we are one with our God, gives us continued assurance that we are surrounded by your Holy Grace, by faith, in surrendering totally to your Divine Will, and offering ourselves at your altar to witness and spread your glory through Jesus our Lord. Amen

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