Prayers and Petitions

James 1:27

22 June, 2023

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. – James 1:27

Father God, Merciful and Compassionate, in your great love, you understand every fibre of our being and wait to shower us with comfort and consolation, paying special attention to those who are without the natural support of the main member of their family, the father of the house and the upholder of his family. As a Father of the whole of mankind, our Abba Father, our acts of charity and support to the least of our brethren, those who are bereft of their husband and father of their children, is looked upon by you with great benevolence.

Loving Father, we extol your perfect attributes of Justice and Mercy, and exalt your Holy Name, for you are a Faithful God and grant refuge and comfort to the orphaned and the abandoned, providing them succour through their fellow human beings, appointed by you to care for their needs. Our Christian spirit is the epitome of Christian virtue and includes acts of charity to the afflicted and needy, comforting, counselling, and relieving them, and also providing for one’s spiritual needs.

Father, assist us in growing in faith and morality, enlighten us with the wisdom and knowledge of your Holy Word, enrich us by the Power of your Holy Spirit, to enable us to be transformed into a greater spirituality. May our devotion to prayer, our alignment with you by submitting to your Holy Will, and our genuine acts of kindness and support of those who are most vulnerable, bring us into the light of your grace and favor. Help us, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to seek to glorify your Holy Name in every action, great and small, benefitting those of our Community who need help and vital assistance. May we reach out to uplift our brethren with the strength and virtue of your Holy Gospel, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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