February 16, 2023
February 17, 2023
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Jeremiah 31:25

16 February, 2023

For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing. – Jeremiah 31:25

Eternal Father, our Comforter, our Stronghold, since the beginning of creation, you are with us, for you have formed us and you know best how to nurture us. Lord God, you are the King of the heavens and earth which are all yours. You created us out of deep love, and gave us unequivocal proof of your benevolence by creating all things which would give us delight and satisfy our every need. But our betrayal of your wondrous love and beneficent nature made you turn your face against us.

Even so, you, as our Creator, with a heart overflowing with inexhaustible Mercy and compassion, did not abandon or leave us orphaned. You came to our rescue whenever we needed your higher power to draw us out of the suffocation of slavery, without any indictment against us. Lord, in humble praise and worship we show you our gratitude for delivering us from the clutches of evil, sending Jesus, to redeem, restore and justify us by taking all our offences unto himself, clearing the debt of our sins and restoring us to you, in full righteousness.

Our faith has made us impervious to the nature of our former selves, for we belong to you, as your children. You have kept an inheritance for us in your Kingdom, and we live by the blessings of your grace and favor, knowing and trusting in your unbounded and unceasing care and nourishment you provide for all who seek you. You have continued to be the sufficiency we look for, replenishing and regenerating our care worn souls, and transforming us into creatures of the light of your truth. Our hearts sing out with acclaim, for where you are, there is no room for sorrow. We surrender to you, Lord, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

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