October 10, 2024
October 10, 2024
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John 10:10

10 October, 2024

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10

Heavenly Father, Almighty and Eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of us all, as we reflect on the words of John 10:10, we are reminded of the stark contrast between the darkness that seeks to harm us and the light that You offer. Lord, help us to understand this truth more deeply in our lives. We know that there are forces in the world, both seen and unseen, that desire to pull us away from You, to steal our joy, to kill our hope, and to destroy the peace You have given us.

Yet, we also know that Your purpose for us is far greater. You came to give us life, not just life, but life in its fullness, abundant and overflowing with Your love and grace. Lord, help us to open our hearts and lives to receive that abundance. Too often, we cling to things that drain us, focusing on the temporary instead of embracing the eternal life You offer. May we trust in Your promise and turn away from the distractions of the world that only lead to emptiness.

Teach us, Father, to live in the fullness of Your blessings in the spiritual richness You offer, of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Jesus, protect us from the schemes of the thief. Guard our hearts and minds, and fill us with Your Spirit, that we may live in the abundant life You promised. Help us to survive and  thrive with purpose, and to be a light to others, showing them the joy and peace found only in You. In Your Precious Name we pray. Amen

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