Prayers and Petitions

John 10:7-9

15 April, 2023

Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. – John 10: 7-9

Heavenly Father, the God of all generations unto Eternity, you have created us in your likeness and have given us the breath of life. We offer you, in humble gratitude, praise and worship, glory and honor, because you are All-powerful and yet, unfathomably Merciful. You are Omnipresent and yet, you give special care to each of your children wrapping them with your immeasurable love. You are the fountain of Holiness and yet, being a zealous God, you do not abandon us in our sinfulness, having sent your own Word, made flesh, to our rescue, Who shepherds us, his own flock, in absolute Faithfulness.

Jesus came on a specific mission in perfect obedience to your Holy Will, as the only Son of the Father, with the singular purpose of bringing salvation to humanity, restoring us to you, revealing the truth of his ministry, and his relationship to you, Father. He likens himself to the Good Shepherd who knows each one of his sheep, by name, and they know and recognize his voice. He was completely focused on the entire completion of his coming, knowing that it involved giving up his life to redeem us to perfect communion with you.

Our Lord Jesus has lifted us up and saved our souls for an eternity, and with his crucifixion and death, we have died to sin. With his resurrection and ascension we have been resurrected to eternal life as co-heirs and as your adopted and anointed people. Where Jesus, our Good Shepherd goes, we will follow, led by the Spirit of Truth and the Voice of our Redemption and Salvation. Help us, Lord, to fathom the distinction between Jesus, our Good Shepherd and false prophets who, like thieves, try to lead us astray, away from the flock. For Christ lives in us and will never abandon or forsake us. To live and die in him is to gain eternal life in your grace, Father, in the Name of Jesus. Amen

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