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John 12 : 24-25

24 September, 2020

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:24–25

Dear Father in heaven, thank You for saving us from the pits of a corruptible death and for leading us by faith, to everlasting life in Christ Jesus, who defeated death in victory and planted the fruit of salvation for us all.

Even in his human nature, Jesus was pure, and free from sin and being fruitful in himself, became the cause of fruitfulness for mankind. By his suffering and death he achieved redemption for the whole of creation. Merciful God, by design and determination you implemented the perfect plan of sending a Messiah whose death was intended for your glory and for the redemption of men.

Jesus chose to die, so that by his death, we might live in faith and righteousness, having obtained pardon for all our sins and by Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension into heaven, we have obtained, through grace, the fruit of eternal life. But for his death, we would have perished. Only by his death, we can now enjoy being reconciled to you, our Father God and are born again in the Spirit, who walks the path of life with us, directing and guiding us to follow your Holy Will and remain true to your Word. Only through the immense sacrifice of our Lord have we been regenerated and renewed by the expiation of our sins.

Jesus’ death has hauled in a large harvest of souls of both believers and unbelievers to receive the blessings of grace, redemption, justification, peace, pardon, and eternal life. We beseech you Father, to help us on our earthly journey to disregard the futile desires of earthly life, to be transformed by and through your Holy Spirit, working towards perfecting our souls to come worthily into your presence, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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2 Prayers

  1. ADMIN says:

    Amen… Praise God! ?❤?

  2. Lydia says:

    Amen to the beautiful scripture verse and prayer. Praise and thank the Lord.???

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