Prayers and Petitions

John 13:14

18 March, 2021

If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. John  – 13:14

Heavenly Father, your creation is vast and wondrous, immense to fathom and impossible to comprehend. You are our Creator, mighty and majestic, and we bow to you in humble reverence, rightly giving you praise, worship and gratitude. By your unconditional love Lord, you have saved us from sin, death and eternal separation by condemnation. By your infinite compassion, you have manifested abundantly your graces to all who believe, by their faith.

Our Lord Jesus, our Savior and Messiah, came to earth in the poorest of circumstances, born in a humble manger. He lived unknown and unrecognized, reticent and reserved and started his ministry teaching, saving sinners, healing the sick and maimed, raising the dead to life, in an exemplary life of service to the poor, inculcating in his followers the need to shed hypocrisy and boastfulness and adopt humility and service as virtues of godliness.

When he washed the feet of his disciples a few days before his death, he displayed to all people the manner in which our lives should be lived, to be counted among the blessed. For to humble ourselves is to decrease ourselves and so let Christ increase in us. It is to die to self and live for service to all who are in need. To manifest your goodness and compassion, dear Father, towards all, by Christlike attributes, embodying the love of our God by our love and fellowship with the lesser among our brethren, is to be performing your Holy Will Lord, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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