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John 13:35

16 December, 2023

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. – John 13:35

Heavenly Father, of Infinite Goodness, Wisdom and Mercy, you are the beginning and end of life here, on earth, and you fill every moment of our lives with your grace and mercy. Knowing our fickle nature, you have rescued and sanctified us, renewing us and forging a new Covenant with us. Jesus has, by his monumental sacrifice, simplified the nature of your commandments, by condensing them into a commandment of love. He taught us, that by loving you and loving our neighbour, we would be fulfilling the commandments through our obedience and our humility and submission.

Forgive us Lord, for keeping ego and pride above the love of the Lord and love for our fellowmen. May we walk in Christ’s footsteps and become Christ-like. May we cast away evil and destructive ways of our lives and learn to live in peace, harmony and brotherhood. Take away the pride and judgmental attitudes we tend to build up by our views and opinions of others. Help us realise the falsehood of placing higher, the values which are of the world and grant us the wisdom to abandon them for the deeper values of the Kingdom of heaven.

Lord, may we be filled with love for our kinsmen, and also with the willingness to sacrifice selfish motives and gains for the benefit of those who are in need. May we adopt a keenness to share our love by giving to others selflessly, and may we openly express the love of Christ to people of all denominations, thus making evident that love is capable of overcoming every evil. May the generosity of Christ’s love for mankind be reflected in our daily fellowship, thus increasing the Glory of your Holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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December 16, 2023
December 16, 2023